Previous physiological results have indicated the existence of two releasable pools of gonadotropins in amphibian pituitaries: an acute releasable pool that appears independent of protein synthesis, and a storage pool involved in chronic release that depends on protein synthesis. To elucidate the ultrastructural localization of these pools and the morphological changes induced in gonadotrope cells after treatment with gonadotropin-releasing hormone, we carried out a morphometric study of immuno-identified gonadotrope cells using an in vitro superfusion system. Treatment with gonadotropin-releasing hormone induced a degranulation of small (110-255 nm) and medium (236-360 nm) secretory granules as well as hypertrophy of the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi complex. Simultaneous incubation with gonadotropin-releasing hormone and cycloheximide inhibited the release of secretory granules although the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi complex were hypertrophied. These morphological results strongly suggest: (1) that gonadotropin-releasing hormone induces degranulation and hypertrophy of the biosynthetic machinery in gonadotrope cells; and (2) that the activation of the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi complex by stimulation with gonadotropin-releasing hormone is independent of protein synthesis, while the release of secretory granules is protein synthesis-dependent. In addition, the second or "storage" pool of gonadotropin is associated mainly with the small and medium secretory granules.