The authors report the results of a retrospective study about computed tomography (CT)-guided percutaneous vertebral biopsies in 79 cases (44 males and 35 females, aged from 6 to 84 years old). Five biopsies were performed at the cervical level, 31 at the thoracic, 30 at the lumbar, and 13 at the sacrum. A diagnosis was obtained in 75 out of the 79 patients. Diagnostic yield was 95%, and diagnostic accuracy was 97.3%. Core needle biopsy under CT guidance for spinal lesions is a fast, relatively simple, minimally invasive, and low-cost method, with high levels of diagnostic accuracy and few complications. It plays a major role in the correct diagnosis and therapeutic planning. CT guidance allows safe and accurate biopsy of osseous lesions throughout the spine, obviating invasive open biopsy in most cases.
Thieme Medical Publishers 333 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001, USA.