A novel quenched fluorescence substrate, QF-ERP7 (Abz-G-G-F-L-R-R-V-EDDn), structurally related to enkephalins, proved to be suitable for assaying the endooligopeptidase A (E.C. activity. The enzyme only splits the L-R bond (Km 1.75 microM, Kcat 8.25 s-1), a reaction efficiently blocked by anti-endooligopeptidase A antibodies and by inhibitor and alternative substrates of the enzyme. Evidences based on the action of inhibitors and on the analysis of QF-ERP7 fragments demonstrated that endooligopeptidase A contributes with 100% of the QF-ERP7 cleaving activity found in the cytosol of rabbit brain homogenates and with 85% of that recovered in the membrane fraction. Homologous substrates, Abz-G-G-F-L-R-R-EDDn and Abz-G-G-F-L-R-EDDn, were resistant to hydrolysis. The convenience and sensitivity of the fluorimetric assay based on the QF-ERP7 moiety offers several advantages compared with previously described painstaking procedures for endooligopeptidase A activity measurements, what will certainly contribute to further our understanding of the role of this enzyme on the peptide hormone metabolism.