Objectives: To revise a pharmacotherapy-laboratory curriculum to decrease course expenditures while maintaining a quality educational experience.
Design: Course mapping identified laboratory activities that achieved the defined learning outcomes. Redundant activities were eliminated, and remaining activities not requiring active in-laboratory participation were converted into prelaboratory assignments and simulations. An online course-management system provided a platform for simulations and automated grading.
Assessment: An evaluation of economic data showed a 64% and 43% decrease in total course expenditures for Pharmacotherapy Laboratory III and IV, respectively. Although a comparison of examination and course grades before and after redesign revealed a small decrease in grades for the Pharmacotherapy III and IV course, the reasons for this decrease were unclear and could not be directly attributed to the redesign. Comparison of students' evaluation scores before and after the redesign showed continued high satisfaction with the course.
Conclusions: Revisions made to the curriculum for a pharmacotherapy laboratory decreased course expenditures while maintaining the quality of education. The successful redesign was related to several key components including course mapping and enhanced use of technology. A similar revision process can be considered by other colleges and schools of pharmacy facing budgetary reductions.
Keywords: cost reduction; course mapping; curriculum; pharmacotherapy laboratory.