Theranostic agents represent a recently introduced class of imaging probes designed to offer to pharmacologists and physicians a robust tool for minimally invasive in vivo visualization of drug delivery/release and therapy monitoring. By means of these agents, novel strategies able to integrate diagnosis and therapy could be developed. This highly interdisciplinary research field is one of the more innovative products resulting from the synergism between molecular imaging and nanomedicine. Potential applications of theranosis include the in vivo assessment of drug biodistribution and accumulation at the target site, visualization of the drug release from a given nanocarrier, and real-time monitoring of the therapeutic outcome. The expected end-point of theranostic agents is to provide a fundamental support for the optimization of innovative diagnostic and therapeutic strategies that could contribute to emerging concepts in the field of the "personalized medicine". This perspective paper aims at providing the reader the basic principles of theranosis with a particular emphasis to the design of theranostic agents.
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