Sex identification of unidentified two bleached skeletons by the method of DNA analysis in addition to the morphological examination was performed. Bones and teeth were taken out for the DNA analysis, and cracked to compounds by liquid nitrogen. DNA was extracted by the standard procedure. We used two methods for sex identification by DNA analysis; one is Southern blot hybridization with Y-chromosome specific probe (PHY10; 3.4kb), and the other is PCR (polymerase chain reaction) amplifying with sex chromosome specific fragments (alphoid satellite family). These two methods enable us to identify the sex of the two cases presented here more correctly with sufficient evidence than depending only on morphological examination. With some technical difficulties, it is possible to put DNA analysis including Southern blot hybridization or PCR into practical determination of sexing of hard tissues such as a piece of bone or a tooth, and old samples. Therefore, they seem to be effective methods applicable to forensic science.