Homozygous C57BL/6 nude, beige mice (B6 nu,bg) were used as recipients for the transfer of lymphoid cells from autoimmune homozygous B6 'viable motheaten' mice (B6 mev) and from either normal B6 mice (B6 wild) or B6 bg mice as controls. Surprisingly, the mev cell grafts prolonged survival of these short-living doubly immunodeficient recipients. Although the [mev----nu,bg] chimeras did not develop the mev external necrosis phenotype, they showed a hyperglobulinaemia and a significant increase of their anti-single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) antibody titres, compared to control chimeras ([bg----nu,bg] and [wild----nu,bg]). However, this hyperglobulinaemia was quite different from the mev-type hyperglobulinaemia, with poor contribution of the IgM isotype. Moreover, the anti-ssDNA antibodies were more distributed among the various Ig classes than the anti-ssDNA antibodies of the mev homozygous mice. Though the adoptive transfer of some mev-type humoral autoimmunity symptoms were achieved in this chimera model, the recipient mice did not suffer from the several other features of the mev syndrom, such as the severe pathology and the extremely high IgM serological levels.