An increase in global food demand has resulted in a significant increase in the use of pesticides in agriculture. Synthetic pyrethroid pesticides account for over 30% of the global pesticide use; Pyrethroid pesticides were used preferably over organochlorines and organophosphates due to their high effectiveness, low toxicity to non-target organisms and easy biodegrability. It has widespread applications in agriculture through the world and as well in Algeria. Cypermethrin is one of the most insecticidal pyrethroids widely used in agriculture regions of Setif. to control wide range of insect pests in a variety of crops. The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of cypermethrin (Cyper-Ac 271 g/l from the active substance of the cypermethrin) on hematological, biochemical parameters, body weight loss, and histopathological study of some organs. Male mice weighing 30-40g were used, separated in 5 groups, n=6, two groups controls given vehicle (oil vegetable) and three experimental groups (Cypermetherin and vegetable oil). The animals were gavaged by 1/5 LD50 (LD50 = 485 mg/kg b/w) for 2 and 4 weeks respectively, and with 1/20 LD50 for 12 weeks, then the animals sacrificed at the end of the experiment.. Blood was collected. Enzyme activities were assayed in the plasma samples obtained. Glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase (GOT), Glutamate pyruvate transaminase (GPT), Alkaline phosphatase (ALPH) and Glucose. Red blood cells, (RBC), and white blood cells (WBC) were calculated too. The samples of liver and kidney were processed for histology. The results indicated a significant increase in transaminases GOT, GPT, and AlP. The decrease in Hb, RBC and WBC which are related to the immunity, this is probably due to cell lyses explain the effect of Cypermetherin on erythropoeisis. cypermethrin treatment exhibited severe histopathological changes, especially in the liver and kideney accompanied by weight loss of some organs. We conclude that cypermethrin induces oxidative stress and modifies biochemical parameters and histological aspects of liver and kidney.