The authors report their experience with Hartmann procedure. 28 patients were treated: 21 males and 7 females. The mean age was 58 years. Perforative diverticulitis was the commonest indication (14 patients), followed by carcinoma (11 patients). Miscellaneous causes accounted for 3 patients. This procedure was primarily performed as an emergency operation (71%). One patient died post-operatively (3.5%); post-operative morbidity was 10.7%. A second operation was not planned if the first operation had been performed for palliation of metastatic or locally advanced cancer (7 patients). Restoration of colonic continuity was achieved successfully in 14 patients with no mortality and morbidity. According to their experience, authors believe Hartmann procedure to be the most suitable operation facing a left colon emergency. It is usually easy to perform and well tolerated by poor risk patients.