Using molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, the density of single proteins and its temperature dependence was modelled starting from the experimentally determined protein structure and a generic, transferable force field, without the need of prior parameterization. Although all proteins consist of the same 20 amino acids, their density in aqueous solution varies up to 10% and the thermal expansion coefficient up to twofold. To model the protein density, systematic MD simulations were carried out for 10 proteins with a broad range of densities (1.32-1.43 g/cm(3)) and molecular weights (7-97 kDa). The simulated densities deviated by less than 1.4% from their experimental values that were available for four proteins. Further analyses of protein density showed that it can be essentially described as a consequence of amino acid composition. For five proteins, the density was simulated at different temperatures. The simulated thermal expansion coefficients ranged between 4.3 and 7.1 × 10(-4) K(-1) and were similar to the experimentally determined values of ribonuclease-A and lysozyme (deviations of 2.4 and 14.6%, respectively). Further analyses indicated that the thermal expansion coefficient is linked to the temperature dependence of atomic fluctuations: proteins with a high thermal expansion coefficient show a low increase in flexibility at increasing temperature. A low increase in atomic fluctuations with temperature has been previously described as a possible mechanism of thermostability. Thus, a high thermal expansion coefficient might contribute to protein thermostability.