The growth and developmental pattern of H. continua was observed after experimental infection of their metacercariae to chicks. The recovery rate of worms from the chicks at 1 to 28 days post-infection (PI) was 12.8% in average. The rate remained fairly high for early 4 days of infection but decreased thereafter rapidly till 28 days PI. Most of the flukes, 91.9%, were recovered from the ileum of the chicks. In metacercariae, genital organs such as the ovary, testes, seminal vesicle, seminal receptacle and genital sucker were recognizable. At one day PI Mehlis' gland appeared, and at 2 days follicular vitellaria were observed. At 3 days PI, eggs were formed in the uterine tubule and increased in number as the worm grew old. The worms reached 2,990 microns in length and 525 microns in width at 28 days PI. Genital organs developed rapidly in early stages of infection but slowly thereafter to 28 days PI, whereas non-genital organs developed steadily through the infection period. It was proved by this experiment that chicks should be a moderately suitable final host of H. continua.