The role of cryopreservation in assisted reproductive technology programs has increased within the last years allowing the transfer of a limited number of embryos and the storage of the remaining for future use. The reduction in the number of transferred embryos decreases the frequency of multiple pregnancy rates and of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome while the cumulative pregnancy rate can be maximized. Moreover, as not all embryos will survive the warming process more cleavage stage embryos are warmed to improve selection for transfer. Therefore, surplus good quality cleavage stage embryos and/or blastocysts must be re-vitrified for further transfer to achieve pregnancy. To our knowledge, there have been no reports demonstrating that human embryos can be successfully vitrified/warmed twice at the cleavage stage. Thus we report two successful pregnancies and deliveries of healthy babies after transfer of embryos that were twice vitrified/warmed at 2-4 cells stage.
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