Advax™ adjuvant is derived from inulin, a natural plant-derived polysaccharide that when crystallized in the delta polymorphic form, becomes immunologically active. This study was performed to assess the ability of Advax™ adjuvant to enhance influenza vaccine immunogenicity and protection. Mice were immunized with influenza vaccine alone or combined with Advax™ adjuvant. Immuno-phenotyping of the anti-influenza response was performed including antibody isotypes, B-cell ELISPOT, CD4 and CD8 T-cell proliferation, influenza-stimulated cytokine secretion, DTH skin tests and challenge with live influenza virus. Advax™ adjuvant increased neutralizing antibody and memory B-cell responses to influenza. It similarly enhanced CD4 and CD8 T-cell proliferation and increased influenza-stimulated IL-2, IFN-γ, IL-5, IL-6, and GM-CSF responses. This translated into enhanced protection against mortality and morbidity in mice. Advax™ adjuvant provided significant antigen dose-sparing compared to influenza antigen alone. Protection could be transferred from mice that had received Advax™-adjuvanted vaccine to naïve mice by immune serum. Enhanced humoral and T-cell responses induced by Advax™-formulated vaccine were sustained 12months post-immunization. Advax™ adjuvant had low reactogenicity and no adverse events were identified. This suggests Advax™ adjuvant could be a useful influenza vaccine adjuvant.
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