Cardiac tumors in children are rare, and patient series are limited in size. We report 120 children who underwent surgery to treat a cardiac tumor; the tumor type was known in 108 instances. The patients represented <0.1 % of 130,000 cardiac surgeries performed in children from a multi-institutional data base. The most common tumors and the number of patients were rhabdomyoma (n = 42), myxoma (n = 28), and fibromas (n = 10). The remaining 18 tumors of various types occurred in smaller numbers of patients. Nine patients (7 %) died after surgery. The mean age of death was 14 days, and death was most frequent in patients with fibromas (n = 4). Considering the variety of tumors, their varied location in cardiac structures, the patient ages, and the infrequent occurrence in an individual surgeon's experience, the operative mortality was low.