Premise of the study: The aims of this study are to develop and characterize genomic and expressed sequence tag (EST)-derived microsatellites from Iris laevigata and test their transferability in I. ensata, I. setosa, I. halophila, I. scariosa, I. potaninii, I. tenuifolia, I. bloudowii, and I. sanguinea.
Methods and results: Ten genomic and six EST-derived microsatellites were characterized in I. laevigata. These microsatellite primers amplified one to five alleles in I. laevigata and some of these primers were also successfully amplified in congeneric species.
Conclusions: These microsatellite primers provide us an initial set of molecular markers to explore the spatial population genetic structure of I. laevigata. In addition, these markers may also be useful in population and conservation genetic studies of closely related species.