We are having an internal, retrospective audic of 302 medical care histories corresponding to all infants between 0 and 18 months registered at the health centre between 1st Nov. 1986 and 30th April 1988, with purpose of determining the degree of quality achieved by the professional staff in the completion of the medical records, systematic examinations of health and objectives proposed in the Centre's Program for Infants, similarly assessing the adeherance of patients to the same. We found a level of those registered globally, of 81 por 100 of all analysed data, which we assessed as improvable. The ratio obtained of securance, cover and maintainance of maternal lactancy, the correct iniciation of beikot and vaccination, although satisfactory, did not reach proposed standards except in the maternal lactancy objective initiated, which improved (67.66% vs 60.0%). The ratios relative to the adeherance to and acceptance of the program by the users are satisfactory: the infants who left it constituted only 3.3%. Atendance of those summored is 97.03% and 24% of failures to attend were due to changes of address. We are however proposing concrete corrective measures to make early contact with the gestative mother and the newborn in order to improve the process of health care.