Background: Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease often benign, affecting 2-3% of the total world population. Psoriasis is a multifactorial disease.
Aim: To present recent advances in the immunologic mechanisms and susceptibility genes involved in the pathogenesis of psoriasis.
Methods: We presented a literature review of recent genetic and immunological basis of psoriasis to better understand the pathomecanisms of this disease and discuss the contribution of the Tunisian work in this area.
Results: Recent works focalized mainly in immunology and genetics. Current progresses in molecular biology have allowed to better characterize the immunogenetic abnormalities in psoriasis.
Conclusion: Psoriasis is a multifactorial disease model in which environmental factors (psychological, climate, traumatic, infectious, and viral) seem to be triggering factors when associated with a particular immunogenetics predisposition.