Objective: To assess factors influencing perspectives on Brazil's national Family Health Program (PSF) by exploring satisfaction with PSF units and home-visit community health agents and perceptions about PSF unit accessibility among frequent users (primary caretakers of children under age 5) in Vespasiano, Minas Gerais.
Methods: Data were collected though cross-sectional household surveys to determine programmatic and demographic factors affecting user satisfaction with the PSF. Multivariate logistic modeling was used to estimate users' satisfaction with PSF units and agents and perceived access to PSF unit services. Chi-square and analysis of variance (ANOVA) tests were used to estimate statistical differences.
Results: The majority of caretakers were satisfied with both their PSF unit and their PSF community health agent and had received at least one monthly home visit from the health agent. Satisfaction with both the health agent and the unit was positively associated with perceived access to the unit and frequency of agent home visits. Caretakers who reported that their PSF agent made one or more home visits per month were more likely to perceive the PSF unit as being "accessible" (or "sometimes accessible").
Conclusions: The current data are important indicators of population health in Minas Gerais, Brazil, and suggest that users' satisfaction with the PSF and perceptions about its accessibility can be improved by ensuring that all households receive at least one health agent home visit per month. These results could be applied to other parts of Brazil or Latin America to improve understanding of user perceptions of health systems.