MR findings are reported in three patients presenting mannosidosis. Among a family of 8 children, 4 presented typical clinical and biological abnormalities related to mannosidosis. Brain MR examinations including sagittal T1 and axial T2 sections were obtained in three patients of this family (one 25-year-old male, one 34-year-old female, and one 35-year-old female). MR scans demonstrate seven types of modifications: (1) brachycephaly, (2) thick calvaria, (3) verticalization of the chiasmatic sulcus, (4) poor pneumatization of the sphenoid body, (5) partial empty sella turcica (6) cerebellar atrophy, and (7) white matter signal modifications. High signal abnormalities involving the parieto-occipital white matter are identified on axial T2-weighted scans in the three patients and are probably related to demyelination and associated gliosis as described previously by several authors on specimens.