Aims: Assessing patients' current stage of change toward 6 healthy behaviors related to diabetes control. Behaviors studied were smoking cessation (2) regular exercise; (3) consuming 5 servings or more of fruits and vegetables; (4) decreasing intake of refined sugar; (5) reducing saturated fat; and (6) self monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG).
Methods: Stage of change (SOC) for several diabetes control-related behaviors was assessed for 737 patients with type 2 diabetes using a staging algorithm. Socio-demographic data were collected by a structured interview-based questionnaire.
Results: There was high degree of readiness toward consuming diets with less saturated fat and simple sugar. Very low degree of readiness was reported for self-monitoring of blood glucose on a regular bases and for practicing physical exercise. Half of the participants (50.9%) were in the precontemplation stage for consuming ≥5 servings of fruits and vegetables every day. Significant correlations were obtained between the degree of readiness for several behaviors (p<0.01). Age, gender, income and education were all related to the stage of change of the studied behaviors (p<0.01).
Conclusions: Patients with diabetes in Jordan are still in the pre-action stages for practicing exercise, consuming 5 servings or more of fruit and vegetable, and self-monitoring of blood glucose. The current finding suggests a need for nutritional education and interventions to raise awareness of lifestyle factors influencing glycemic control among diabetics.
Copyright © 2012 Primary Care Diabetes Europe. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.