Aim: Reasonable application of laboratory parameters in prevention, diagnosis, treatment and therapy monitoring of osteoporosis.
Target groups: Physicians from different specialist disciplines (general medicine, geriatrics, gynaecology, urology, internal medicine-especially endocrinology and metabolism, nephrology, laboratory medicine, rheumatology, nuclear medicine, orthopaedics, paediatrics, rehabilitation and physical medicine, radiology, social medicine, transplantation medicine, accident surgery), moreover social insurances, hospitals and self-help groups.
Background: Evaluation of aetiology of bone disorders, widening of the therapeutic spectrum for diseases of bone and knowledge on biochemical markers of bone turnover. Improvements in judging the success of therapy and in monitoring the compliance of patients. Research perspectives.
Bases: Scientific literature and guidelines, consensus meetings. RÉSUMÉ: Basic and specialized laboratory investigations are important in differentiation between primary and secondary osteoporosis for an adequate therapy. Biochemical markers of bone turnover are an additional aid in evaluation of individual fracture risk. These markers identify responders to bone therapy faster than surveillance of bone mineral density, which helps to improve patient's compliance too. Characteristics, preanalytic precautions and applications are presented for selected markers of bone resorption and formation and for parameters regulating bone metabolism.