Background: Multiple cases of paralysis, often resulting in death, occurred among young adults during a wild poliovirus (WPV) type 1 outbreak in Pointe Noire, Republic of Congo, in 2010. We conducted an investigation to identify factors associated with fatal outcomes among persons with poliomyelitis in Pointe Noire.
Methods: Polio cases were defined as acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) cases reported from 7 October to 7 December 2010 with either a stool specimen positive for WPV or clinically classified as polio-compatible. Data were obtained from medical records, hospital databases, AFP case investigation forms and, when possible, via interviews with persons with polio or surrogates using a standard questionnaire.
Results: A total of 369 polio cases occurred in Pointe Noire between 7 October and 7 December 2010. Median age was 22 years for nonsurvivors and 18 years for survivors (P = .01). Small home size, as defined by ≤2 rooms, use of a well for drinking water during a water shortage, and age ≥15 years were risk factors for death in multivariate analysis.
Conclusions: Consideration should be given during polio risk assessment planning and outbreak response to water/sanitation status and potential susceptibility to polio in older children and adults. Serosurveys to estimate immunity gaps in older age groups in countries at high risk of polio importation might be useful to guide preparedness and response planning.