In summer 2010-2011 two outbreaks of Pseudomonas foliculitis occurred among bathers who used the swimming pools or whirlpools in two guest-room sites. The source of the infection was traced to the swimming pools or whirlpools, which had not been chlorinated and monitored routinely. Of 40 bathers, 25 (62.5%) developed Pseudomonas folliculitis 2-4 days after exposure. Typically the rash began as a pruritic erythematous papule on the buttocks, axilla, and extremities, with fever, adenopathy and otitis externa. In the culture of the pustules and bacterial examination grew Pseudomonas aeroginosa. Pseudomonas folliculitis was first described by McCausland and Cox in 1975. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first description of outbreaks in swimming pools or whirlpools in guest-room sites in Israel. This article describes the epidemiological and environmental health investigation of the two outbreaks. With the rising popularity of swimming pools and whirlpools in guest-room sites, physicians in the community and the emergency rooms may encounter this disease. We urge their real time report to the public health offices, in charge of the epidemiological inquires, aiming to prevent the occurrence of new cases or improper treatment of similar cases.