We report tests of local position invariance based on measurements of the ratio of the ground state hyperfine frequencies of 133Cs and 87Rb in laser-cooled atomic fountain clocks. Measurements extending over 14 years set a stringent limit to a possible variation with time of this ratio: d ln(ν(Rb)/ν(Cs))/dt=(-1.39±0.91)×10(-16) yr(-1). This improves by a factor of 7.7 over our previous report [H. Marion et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 150801 (2003)]. Our measurements also set the first limit to a fractional variation of the Rb/Cs frequency ratio with gravitational potential at the level of c(2)d ln(ν(Rb)/ν(Cs))/dU=(0.11±1.04)×10(-6), providing a new stringent differential redshift test. The above limits equivalently apply to the fractional variation of the quantity α(-0.49)(g(Rb)/g(Cs)), which involves the fine-structure constant α and the ratio of the nuclear g-factors of the two alkalis. The link with variations of the light quark mass is also presented together with a global analysis combining other available highly accurate clock comparisons.