On August 18, 2012, 90 years have passed since the birth of the former head of the Military field therapy Department of The Military-Medical Academy named after S. M. Kirov--the main radiologist of the Ministry of Defence of Russian Federation, the corresponding member of the Soviet Union Academy of Medical Science and the Russian Academy of Medical Science, the major- general of a medical service G. I. Alekseyev, who had been working in the department since its foundation till the last day of his life. Being the head of the department for twelve years, G. I. Alekseyev made a considerable contribution to the formation and development of native military radiology, training of medical and scientific skilled specialists. Professor G. I. Alekseyev's scientific ideas and views in the sphere of radiology were realized and developed in further educational, research and medical work of the department. Nowadays the staff of the Military field therapy Department remembers G. I. Alekseyev with special gratitude and appreciation and successfully realizes his ideas and plans in work.