Polymorphisms in multidrug resistance (MDR1) gene play an important role in influencing the pharmacological action and toxicity profile of a large number of therapeutic agents, and in human susceptibility to various diseases. Because of genotypic variability, several studies were directed toward determination of the frequencies of MDR1 polymorphisms and/or haplotypes in different ethnic populations. In this study, we determined the frequencies of the most common three polymorphisms in the MDR1 gene (i.e., C1236T, G2677T, and C3435T) in Saudi Arabians and their haplotypes. Our results showed that the frequencies of 1236T, 2677T, and 3435T were 43.7 %, 40.2 %, and 42.2 %, respectively. In addition, the frequencies of the most common MDR1 haplotypes, C-G-C and T-T-T, were correspondent to 48.8 and 35.5 %. Furthermore, we identified moderate to strong linkage disequilibrium between the loci of these single nucleotide polymorphisms in the studied subjects. These identified frequencies in Saudi Arabians are different from that reported in the other ethnic groups.