Background: Multifactorial diseases arise from complex patterns of interaction between a set of genetic traits and the environment. To fully capture the genetic biomarkers that jointly explain the heritability component of a disease, thus, all SNPs from a genome-wide association study should be analyzed simultaneously.
Results: In this paper, we present Bag of Naïve Bayes (BoNB), an algorithm for genetic biomarker selection and subjects classification from the simultaneous analysis of genome-wide SNP data. BoNB is based on the Naïve Bayes classification framework, enriched by three main features: bootstrap aggregating of an ensemble of Naïve Bayes classifiers, a novel strategy for ranking and selecting the attributes used by each classifier in the ensemble and a permutation-based procedure for selecting significant biomarkers, based on their marginal utility in the classification process. BoNB is tested on the Wellcome Trust Case-Control study on Type 1 Diabetes and its performance is compared with the ones of both a standard Naïve Bayes algorithm and HyperLASSO, a penalized logistic regression algorithm from the state-of-the-art in simultaneous genome-wide data analysis.
Conclusions: The significantly higher classification accuracy obtained by BoNB, together with the significance of the biomarkers identified from the Type 1 Diabetes dataset, prove the effectiveness of BoNB as an algorithm for both classification and biomarker selection from genome-wide SNP data.
Availability: Source code of the BoNB algorithm is released under the GNU General Public Licence and is available at