Neosporosis, a disease caused by the obligate intracellular protozoan Neospora caninum, produces abortions in cattle. The severe economic losses in cattle industry justify the need to develop control measures for preventing bovine abortion. Apicomplexan parasitic resistance is associated with T helper 1 immune response mediated by CD4 cytotoxic T lymphocytes, the production of interferon-gamma, interleukin-12, tumor necrosis factor and immunoglobulin G2. The reduction of vertical transmission in subsequent pregnancies and the low levels of abortion repetition suggests the existence of protective immune mechanisms. Inoculation with live tachyzoites before mating protects against infection and abortion. Antecedents of the development of live vaccines against other protozoa stimulate research to develop a live vaccine against N. caninum. On the other hand, an inactivated vaccine with low efficacy against neosporosis is useful in the prevention of abortion in farms with epizootic disease. A neosporosis vaccine should avoid abortion, transplacental transmission and infection persistence. In the present work, advances in vaccine development including lysate of tachyzoites, live parasites, recombinant antigens and vaccine vectors are reviewed.