Separation of molecules based on molecular size in zeolites with appropriate pore aperture dimensions has given rise to the definition of "molecular sieves" and has been the basis for a variety of separation applications. We show here that for a class of chabazite zeolites, what appears to be "molecular sieving" based on dimension is actually separation based on a difference in ability of a guest molecule to induce temporary and reversible cation deviation from the center of pore apertures, allowing for exclusive admission of certain molecules. This new mechanism of discrimination permits "size-inverse" separation: we illustrate the case of admission of a larger molecule (CO) in preference to a smaller molecule (N(2)). Through a combination of experimental and computational approaches, we have uncovered the underlying mechanism and show that it is similar to a "molecular trapdoor". Our materials show the highest selectivity of CO(2) over CH(4) reported to date with important application to natural gas purification.