Notch signaling constitutes an evolutionarily conserved pathway that transduces signals between neighboring cells and determines major decisions in cell proliferation, survival, and differentiation. Notch signaling has been shown to play a pivotal role during T cell lineage determination. T lymphocytes from patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) display a severely altered phenotype with several molecular and functional aberrations, including defective capacities to up-regulate Notch-1 receptor expression upon T cell receptor activation. Here, we demonstrate that basal Notch-1 expression is decreased in T cells from active SLE patients at the mRNA and protein levels in various T cell subpopulations. Notch-1 transcript numbers inversely correlate with disease activity in SLE patients. We provide evidence that both enhanced histone H3 methylation and CpG DNA methylation of the human Notch-1 promoter contribute to decreased Notch-1 expression in SLE T cells. Previous data from our group identified cAMP-responsive element modulator α (CREMα), which is up-regulated in SLE T cells, as a key regulator of epigenetic patterns and gene transcription, e.g. that of IL2 and IL17 genes. In this study, we observed increased CREMα binding to the Notch-1 promoter, which eventually resulted in significantly reduced Notch-1 promoter activity and gene transcription. Notably, decreased Notch-1 levels were associated with elevated IL-17A levels. Our data suggest a role for Notch-1 in SLE immunopathogenesis, and for the first time, we present molecular mechanisms that mediate dysregulated Notch-1 expression in SLE T cells.