Objective: This study aimed to investigate the subtype distribution of gp41 gene of human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) among men who have sex with men (MSM) in Zhengzhou.
Methods: Thirty blood samples were collected from men who have sex with men infected by HIV. The complete gp41 gene was amplified by RT-PCR and nested-PCR and sequenced. All sequences were edited by Bioedit and subtyped with HIV sequence library US Los Alamos National Laboratory and online genotyping software provided by American National Center of Biotechnology Information. Phylogenetic analysis of gp41 gene was performed using the MEGA 3.1 software, and the genic dispersion rates among subtype of gp41 gene were analyzed.
Results: A total of eighteen gene sequences of HIV-1 gp41 gene were obtained from thirty men who have sex with men infected by HIV, which belonged to subtype CRF15-01B (50% (9/18)), CRF01-AE (22% (4/18)), CRF07-B (22% (4/18)) and B (6% (1/18)), respectively. The intersubtype HIV-1 strains aggregate with according reference strains. The genetic distance inter-subtype of subtype CRF15-01B, CRF01-AE and CRF07-B were 0.050 ± 0.007, 0.052 ± 0.009 and 0.082 ± 0.012, respectively.
Conclusion: The prevalent subtypes of HIV-1 among among MSM in Zhengzhou was complicated and recombinant HIV-1 strains were the most prevalent strains.