This paper reviewed the clinicopathologic presentation of recurrent ameloblastoma in 30 Nigerian patients at three tertiary referral centers with the sole objective of developing a classification system. Most recurrences occurred in patients in their 3rd decade of life (20-29years) and males were more frequently affected than females (1.5 to 1). Though enucleation resulted in the highest rate of recurrences (30%), hemi-mandibulectomy also resulted in a 20% recurrence rate. Majority of the recurrences occurred within 5 to 9 years after primary surgery. Most primary jaw sites of the lesion corresponded with the primary jaw sites of the recurrent tumor which in itself may be a reflection of inadequate primary treatment. The most frequent anatomic site of primary tumors that recurred was c4 (highest level of ramus involvement). The most frequent anatomic classification of the recurrent tumors was recurrence at one bone margin (Bla) and recurrence at intervening /adjacent soft tissues between the resected bone edges (Blc). Mandible to maxilla recurrence increases the likelihood of extension to the skull and brain.