In a multimeric receptor protein, the binding of a ligand can modulate the binding of a succeeding ligand. This phenomenon, called cooperativity, is caused by the interaction of the receptor subunits. By using a complex Markovian model and a set of parameters determined previously, we analyzed how the successive binding of four ligands leads to a complex cooperative interaction of the subunits in homotetrameric HCN2 pacemaker channels. The individual steps in the model were characterized by Gibbs free energies for the equilibria and activation energies, specifying the affinity of the binding sites and the transition rates, respectively. Moreover, cooperative free energies were calculated for each binding step in both the closed and the open channel. We show that the cooperativity sequence positive-negative-positive determined for the binding affinity is generated by the combined effect of very different cooperativity sequences determined for the binding and unbinding rates, which are negative-negative-positive and no-negative-no, respectively. It is concluded that in the ligand-induced activation of HCN2 channels, the sequence of cooperativity based on the binding affinity is caused by two even qualitatively different sequences of cooperativity that are based on the rates of ligand binding and unbinding.
Copyright © 2012 Biophysical Society. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.