Resistin is an obesity-related adipokine which has also been implicated in bone metabolism. Therefore, we designed a study to investigate the possible role of resistin gene variation in both obesity and bone mineral density. We included 1,155 individuals from the Odense Androgen Study (663 young subjects and 492 older subjects), a population-based, prospective, observational study on the inter-relationship between endocrine status, body composition, muscle function, and bone metabolism in men, in an association study with resistin (RETN) polymorphisms. Three RETN variants (rs1862513, rs3745367 and rs3745369) were genotyped with TaqMan Pre-Designed Genotyping assays. Linear regression was performed to investigate the possible association of these variants with several obesity- and bone-related parameters. After genotyping 1,155 Danish men, 663 young subjects and 492 older subjects, we found that rs3745367 was associated with several obesity-related measures in both the young and elderly cohort. Rs3745369 was only associated with obesity-phenotypes in the elderly cohort. When studying the combined cohorts, we could confirm the associations of rs3745367 with several obesity-related parameters. We were unable to identify any association between RETN polymorphisms and bone-related measurements. Together, these results illustrate resistin's role in the development of obesity. Rs3745367 gives the most consistent results in the current study and these should be confirmed in other populations. Research into its possible functional effect might also be required. A role for RETN variants in determining bone mineral density seems unlikely from our results.