In 1988 a group of Norwegian experts published a programme for treatment of patients with increased cholesterol. The programme recommended dietary counselling when plasma cholesterol exceeded 5 mmol/l. In the autumn 1988 the Norwegian National Health Association started a campaign on cholesterol for health personnel. In order to find out to what extent general practitioners adhered to the recommendations of the programme, a random sample of 100 general practitioners were sent a questionnaire before and after the campaign. The results showed no significant differences in the doctors' attitudes towards diagnosis and treatment of patients with increased plasma cholesterol. Both before and after the campaign the plasma cholesterol levels at which they would initiate follow-up, dietary counselling or drug therapy were 1-2 mmol/l above the levels recommended by the expert group. The attitude of the general practitioners was more conservative than the recommendations of the programme. The interval between the information meeting and the post study was only six months. It is a complicated process to change attitudes and practice routines, and the time required may be longer than six months. Furthermore, the recommendations of the programme were questioned by other doctors, which reduced its impact.