Background: Herbal remedies predate written history and continue to be used more frequently than conventional pharmaceutical medications. The novel dry extract BNO 1011 is based on a combination of five herbs that is used to treat acute and chronic rhinosinusitis. We evaluated the pharmacologic effects of the novel dry extract BNO 1011 on human respiratory epithelial cultures specifically addressing electrolyte transport and cilia beat frequency (CBF).
Methods: Well-differentiated human bronchial epithelial cultures grown at an air-liquid interface were treated on the apical or basolateral surface with varying concentrations of dry extract BNO 1011. Changes in transepithelial sodium and chloride transport were determined in Ussing chambers under voltage-clamped conditions. Changes in CBF were determined using the Sissons-Ammons Video Analysis system (Ammons Engineering, Mt. Morris, MI).
Results: When applied to the apical surface, dry extract BNO 1011 activated forskolin-stimulated chloride secretion and ciliary beat in a dose-dependent fashion. Basolateral application of dry extract BNO 1011 did not alter the measured physiological properties.
Conclusion: Apical application of dry extract BNO 1011 stimulates both chloride secretion and CBF and therefore may augment mucociliary clearance.