The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships among employee organizational commitment, organizational trust, job satisfaction and employees' perceptions of their immediate supervisors' transformational leadership behaviors in Turkey. First, this study examined the relationships among organizational commitment, organizational trust, job satisfaction and transformational leadership in two Turkish public hospitals. Second, this investigation examined how job satisfaction, organizational trust and transformational leadership affect organizational commitment. Moreover, it was aimed to investigate how organizational commitment, job satisfaction and transformational leadership affect organizational trust. A quantitative, cross-sectional method, self-administered questionnaire was used for this study. Eight hundred four employees from two public hospitals in Turkey were recruited for collecting data. The overall response rate was 38.14%. The measurement instruments of survey were the Job Satisfaction Survey (developed by P. Spector), the Organizational Commitment Questionnaire (developed by J. Meyer and N. Allen), the Organizational Trust Inventory-short form (developed by L. Cummings and P. Bromiley) and the Transformational Leadership Inventory (TLI) (developed by P. M. Podsakoff). Five-point Likert scales were used in these measurement instruments. Correlation test (the Pearson's rank test) was used to examine relationships between variables. Also, multiple regression analysis was used to determine the regressors for organizational commitment and organizational trust. There were significant relationships among overall job satisfaction, overall transformational leadership and organizational trust. Regression analyses showed that organizational trust and two job satisfaction dimensions (contingent rewards and communication) were significant predictors for organizational commitment. It was found that one transformational leadership dimension (articulating a vision), two job satisfaction dimensions (pay and supervision) and two organizational commitment dimensions (affective commitment and normative commitment) were significant regressors for organizational trust. There is a lack of research in the health organizations regarding organizational commitment, organizational trust, job satisfaction and transformational leadership. The investigator of the proposed study intends to add to the literature and intends to prove that the proposed study would be important for healthcare organizations. A number of specific measures should be undertaken to reduce factors that negatively affect organizational commitment, organizational trust and job satisfaction of hospital personnel and to improve transformational leadership behaviors of hospital administrators.
Keywords: human resource management; job satisfaction; leadership; organizational commitment; transformational leadership.
Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.