The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effectiveness and tolerance of a new pharmaceutical preparation of long acting bromocryptine (bromocryptine depot of L.A.), characterized by the slow release of bromocryptine during 4 or 6 weeks after a deep intramuscular injection. It was administered to 9 patients with macroprolactinoma, 7 of which had visual abnormalities. The tolerance of the drug was excellent, and only one patient had nausea within the first 24 hours. In all cases, PRL values fell between 40% and 97%. All patients with visual abnormalities, including 2 patients with cranial nerve palsy (IIIth and VIIth pairs) returned to normal or improved. In the CT controls carried out after 4 weeks of therapy a reduction in tumor size was observed in 7 of 9 patients. Two patients were operated through the transesphenoidal route, PRL being demonstrated in the immunohistochemical study of the resected specimen. Subsequently, all patients received oral bromocryptine therapy with perfect tolerance. The results show that parenteral long acting bromocryptine is an effective, well tolerated and convenient way to start the therapy of macroprolactinoma, even when severe visual abnormalities are present.