The multiple-site optical recording technique with a voltage-sensitive dye, NK2761, was used to survey the functional organization of neuronal networks related to the vagus nerve (N.X) in the E16-stage rat brainstem. When we stimulated N.X, in addition to the responses in the vagal sensory nucleus (nucleus of the tractus solitarius (NTS)) on the stimulated side, other response areas were bilaterally detected. Characteristics of the optical signals in these areas suggested that they correspond to neural activity in the second/higher-ordered nucleus of the vagal pathway. The first area was located at the level of the pons. Based upon morphological information, we suggest that this area corresponds to the parabrachial nucleus (PBN), which receives inputs from the NTS. The second area was located between the NTS and the PBN. We suggest that this area is the A5 noradrenergic group. These results suggest that the N.X-related neural networks are established similarly to the adult pattern from an early developmental stage.
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