The authors wish to retract the article entitled "Evaluation of Colon Cancer-Specific Antigen 2 as a Potential Serum Marker for Colorectal Cancer," which was published in the March 1, 2008, issue of Clinical Cancer Research. As the authors re-reviewed the data presented in the article, they identified differences between some of the plate reader values and those that were reported in the article. For some of the data, the values were indeed from the plate reader data, whereas the source of other values was not apparent. Therefore, the authors believe that the article may contain data falsification. Furthermore, the values were not blanked. The authors feel that the inconsistencies in the data collection and recordation warrant retraction of the article. Five of the 6 authors of the original article agreed to this Retraction. Attempts on the part of the journal office to contact the first author, Eddy S. Leman, were unsuccessful.