From April 1983 through September 1988, transcatheter internal iliac arterial embolization therapy (TAE) using Gelfoam particles was performed in 36 patients with recurrent pelvic cancer and 18 patients with advanced pelvic cancer. The tumor showed complete response (CR) to the therapy in seven patients, partial response (PR) in 18, minor response (MR) in five, and no change (NC) in 24 patients, with the response rate (CR + PR) of 46.3%. Univariate analysis, using Kaplan-Meier estimates and log-rank test, revealed that overall survival was related to performance status (p = 0.0001) and tumor reduction by TAE (p = 0.0008). Similarly, a multivariate analysis, using Cox's proportional hazard model, revealed a strong relationship between prognosis and performance status and tumor reduction by TAE. These results show that both good general condition and tumor reduction by TAE are significant characteristics for the prognosis of recurrent and advanced pelvic cancer treated by TAE.