Reversed-phase liquid chromatography on the nanoscale coupled to electrospray tandem mass spectrometry was used to analyse a mixture of four commercial glycan standards, and the method was further adapted to N-glycans enzymatically released from alpha-1-acid glycoprotein and immunoglobulin gamma. Glycans were permethylated to enable their separation by reversed-phase chromatography and to facilitate interpretation of fragmentation data. Prior to derivatization of glycans by permethylation, they were reduced to cancel anomerism because, although feasible, it was not desired to separate α- and β-anomers. The effect of supplementing chromatographic solvent with sodium hydroxide to guide adduct formation was investigated. Raising the temperature in which the separation was performed improved chromatographic resolution and affected retention times as expected. It was shown by using the tetrasaccharides sialyl Lewis X and sialyl Lewis A that reversed-phase chromatography could achieve the separation of methylated isobaric glycan analytes. Isobaric glycans were detected among the N-glycans of immunoglobulin gamma and further analysed by tandem mass spectrometry.