Adipose triglyceride lipase (ATGL), catalyzing the initial step of hydrolysis of triacylglycerol (TAG) in adipocytes, has been known to be inhibited by G0/G1 switch gene 2 (G0S2). In this study, we report the porcine G0S2 cDNA and amino acid sequences as well as the expression level of porcine G0S2. The porcine G0S2 mRNA was abundantly expressed in adipose tissue and liver among various tissues. In adipose tissue, porcine G0S2 expression was 16-fold higher in the fat cell fraction than the stromal vascular fraction. The G0S2 level increased significantly during adipogenesis in vitro and in vivo. These data indicate that G0S2 expression is closely associated with lipid accumulation and adipogenesis. Considering G0S2 as an inhibitor of cell proliferation, the relatively low levels of G0S2 in preadipocytes and adipose tissues of fetal and neonatal pigs compared to adipocytes and adipose tissues of adult pigs may allow the fast cell proliferation rates. Further studies showed that a short-term 24-h fast down-regulated G0S2 expression and increased ATGL expression in adipose tissue; however, a long-term calorie restriction for 8 days had no influence on the level of G0S2 but increased ATGL expression. Therefore, porcine G0S2, which is both a negative regulator of ATGL-mediated lipolysis and cell proliferation in adipose tissue, can be down-regulated in vivo by a short-term 24-h fast followed by increased ATGL-mediated lipolysis.