Oropharyngeal Candida albicans (C. albicans) infection usually occurs in patients with altered cell-mediated immune response. Many animal models have been developed for studying the pathogenesis of disease. Here we describe a new model for real-time monitoring of oral candidiasis. Mice were rendered susceptible to oral candidiasis by injection with cortisone acetate. Oral infection was performed by placing a swab saturated with genetically engineered bioluminescent strain of C. albicans sublingually. An in vivo imaging technique, exploiting stably trasformed C. albicans that costitutively express luciferase, was adopted. This novel longitudinal study represents a powerful tool to: (1) test real-time progression of infection, (2) identify the target site of C. albicans in specific organs, (3) evaluate the efficacy of antifungal therapies and (4) explore the spread of C. albicans from the local to systemic compartment in a new way.
Keywords: C. albicans; OPC; bioluminescence; imaging; longitudinal study; real-time.