This study assessed the resistance of ten verocytotoxigenic Escherichia coli (VTEC) isolates of commonly encountered serogroups/-types and two non-pathogenic E. coli strains to various food-related stresses (acid, alkaline, heat and high hydrostatic pressure treatments) and their biofilm formation ability. In addition, the global changes in the cellular composition in response to the exposure to these adverse environments were monitored by Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy for two of the strains. Large inter-strain variations in stress resistance were observed. The most tolerant strains belonged to serogroup O157 which included both the O157:H7 type strain EDL933 and a representative isolate of the sorbitol fermenting O157:H- VTEC clone (strain MF3582). Strain C-600, a non-pathogenic laboratory strain, was sensitive to multiple stresses. Although wide variation in biofilm-forming ability was observed among VTEC isolates, no consistent relationships between biofilm-forming ability and capacity to withstand stress exposures were found. Analysis of the allelic status of the rpoS gene, involved in the general stress response of stationary-phase cells, allowed detection of loss-of-function mutations for two strains, E218/02 and MF2411, both of them showing as common features a high sensitivity to alkaline and heat treatments and a poor ability to form mature biofilms. Evidences found in this study confirm rpoS as a highly mutable gene in nature, and suggest its relevance not only for the mount of an active stress response but also for the establishment of mature biofilm communities. Our findings contribute to increase the knowledge on the resistance of VTEC to environmental stresses commonly encountered in the food chain, which can lead to improved strategies for preventing VTEC infections.
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