Aim: The aim of the project was to develop an innovative concept for creating high-quality e-learning content which integrates and promotes the theoretical and cooperative skills of final-year medical students and is easily adoptable by cooperating institutes and hospitals.
Methods and results: A peer-teaching concept was developed in which final-year medical students with the elective pharmacology independently researched and wrote e-learning cases of clinical pharmacology ("pharmacases"). Subject-specific expertise was acquired by consulting a peer network of elective students of other disciplines. The created material was subjected to a multi-step peer review and published on the open-access internet platform . At present, the website contains 45 e-learning cases, 27 quizzes, and a student-managed discussion forum. Each month, approximately 1200 students access the e-learning content on the website with above-average evaluation results.
Summary and conclusion: The didactic concept of enabled the efficient generation of high-quality e-learning content in a student-centered and interdisciplinary manner and was well received by the students. It will likely facilitate the transfer of theoretical pharmacological knowledge into clinical practice.