Gravitational effects in a passive transmembrane transport: the flux graviosmotic and gravidiffusive effects in non-electrolytes

J Biol Phys. 2000 Jun;26(2):149-70. doi: 10.1023/A:1005209724299.


In this paper the classification ofthe gravitational effects in a passive transmembranetransport is presented. Among these effects there arethe flux and force gravitational effects (fluxgraviosmotic effect, osmotic pressure graviosmoticeffect, flux gravidiffusive effect, osmotic pressuregravidiffusive effect, voltage gravielectric effectand current gravielectric effect). The volume fluxgraviosmotic and solute flux gravidiffusive effectsmodel equations for a single-membrane system areelaborated. These models for binary and ternarynon-electrolyte solutions have been verified using anexperimental data volume and solute fluxes forosmotic-diffusion cell with horizontally mountedmembrane. In the experimental set-up, water was placedon one side of the membrane. The opposite side of themembrane was exposed to binary or ternary solutions ofdensities greater than that of water (aqueous glucoseor glucose-0.2 mole/l aqueous ethanol) and binary andternary solutions of densities larger than that ofwater (aqueous ethanol or ethanol-0.05 mole/l aqueousglucose). These experimental results are interpretedin terms of the convective instability that increasesthe diffusive permeability coefficient of junction:boundary layer/membrane/boundary layer.

Keywords: Concentration boundary layers; Graviosmotic and gravidiffusive effects; Kedem-Katchalsky equations; concentrationpolarization; membrane transport.