Background: Tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI) is a multi-Kunitz domain protease inhibitor that down-regulates the extrinsic coagulation pathway by inhibiting FXa and FVIIa.
Objectives: To investigate the role of the three Kunitz domains (KDs) of TFPI in FVIIa inhibition using full-length TFPI (TFPIfl ) and truncated TFPI constructs.
Methods: Inhibition of FVIIa with/without relipidated tissue factor (TF) or soluble TF (sTF) by TFPIfl /TFPI constructs was quantified with a FVIIa-specific chromogenic substrate.
Results and conclusions: TFPIfl inhibited TF-FVIIa via a monophasic reaction, which is rather slow at low TFPIfl concentrations (t½ ≈ 5 min at 2 nm TFPI) and has a Ki of 4.6 nm. In the presence of sTF and without TF, TFPIfl was a poor FVIIa inhibitor, with Ki values of 122 nm and 1118 nm, respectively. This indicates that phospholipids and TF significantly contribute to FVIIa inhibition by TFPIfl . TFPI constructs without the KD3-c-terminus (TFPI1-150 and KD1-KD2) were 7-10-fold less effective than TFPIfl in inhibiting TF-FVIIa and sTF-FVIIa, indicating that the KD3-C-terminus significantly contributes to direct inhibition of FVIIa by TFPI. Compared with KD1-KD2, KD1 was a poor TF-FVIIa inhibitor (Ki =434 nm), which shows that the KD2 domain of TFPI also contributes to FVIIa inhibition. Protein S stimulated TF-FVIIa inhibition by TFPIfl (Ki =0.7 nm). In the presence of FXa, a tight quaternary TF-FVIIa-TFPI-FXa complex is formed with TFPIfl , TFPI1-150 and KD1-KD2, with Ki values of < 0.15 nm, 0.5 nm and 0.8 nm, respectively, indicating the KD3-C-terminus is not a prerequisite for quaternary complex formation. Phospholipids and the Gla-domain of FXa are required for quaternary complex formation.
© 2013 International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis.