The locations and dendritic arbors of sacral motoneurons (MNs) innervating the striated external anal and urethral sphincters (EAS and EUS, respectively) of the cat were investigated using muscle injections of cholera toxin-conjugated HRP (CT-HRP). Serial reconstructions showed that all cells labelled after EAS injections were located in the dorsomedial (DM) subdivision of Onuf's nucleus, whereas all cells labelled from the EUS were located in the ventrolateral (VL) subdivision. The dendritic arbors of EAS and EUS MNs were very different, suggesting differences in afferent control. In addition, prominent bundles of dendrites extended preferentially into the regions occupied by functionally appropriate preganglionic neurons (PGNs) in the sacral parasympathetic nucleus (SPN) which innervate the colon and bladder.