The free fibula is a versatile and commonly used free flap in microvascular reconstruction. It allows for reconstruction of both bone and soft tissue defects. In head and neck reconstruction, the skin paddle harvested along with the flap allows for the reconstruction of skin or oral mucosal defects. After skin paddle harvest, the donor site can be closed primarily or with skin grafts. Grafting the donor area is the common method used. However, this could lead to delayed healing because of the poor graft over the area of peroneal tendons. Propeller flaps have been extensively reported for closure of leg skin defects. We report a series of 10 patients in whom we used a local propeller flap for the closure of the fibula flap skin donor site. The donor defects could be satisfactorily closed without the need of a skin graft in 9 patients. This method is simple, reliable, and suitable for closing small to medium defects.